The graphics and data from the Global Carbon Atlas are made freely available in the belief that their wide dissemination will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights of how the carbon cycle works, how humans are altering it, and how we can mitigate the resulting human-driven climate change. The free availability of these data does not constitute permission for publication of the data. The Global Carbon Atlas team and contributors rely on the ethics and integrity of the users to ensure that each data contributor and the Global Carbon Atlas team receive appropriate and fair credit for their work.
Users downloading graphics or screenshots for non-profit, public and educational lectures should acknowledge the Global Carbon Atlas. Please use the credit line for any kind of data use as indicated:
The data/panels/graphics/materials (please use as appropriate) reproduced from the Global Carbon Atlas (
In addition, users downloading graphics, screenshots, or other materials from Country Emissions application for non-profit, public and educational lectures should acknowledge the Global Carbon Atlas as well as any relevant data source as indicated in SOURCES and METHODS (see lowermost panel inside application).
Users downloading graphics and data for potential use in research projects leading to publications or presentations should seek the approval of each contributor from the beginning of the project, unless data is clearly shown as already published in the scientific literature. If the data are essential to the work, or if an important result or conclusion depends on the graphics or data, co-authorship may need to be considered.
In all cases, users should provide the appropriate citation of the data sources (see Contributors in homepage menu and Sources in the Emissions application). If in doubt, please contact the Atlas team.
The Global Carbon Project facilitates access to data and encourages its use to promote a better understanding of the carbon cycle. Respecting original data sources is key to secure the support to enhance, maintain and update the valuable data.
The Global Carbon Atlas was first released in November 2013. The Atlas team will release two types of updates. Existing datasets will be updated with version control as new years are added or new data and models are available or improved. In addition, the Global Carbon Atlas will bring new datasets to include other carbon fluxes, carbon stocks and carbon budgets at global and regional scales. Changes in datasets and new improvements in the Global Carbon Atlas will be described under “Latest News & highlights” at the front page.